Marine resources are too frequently overexploited (overfishing and illegal unregulated, unreported fishing). They are also victims of human activity (pollution). If we add to these threats the effects of global warming, it is clear that the world’s marine resources have never been as threatened as they are now. CLS is working towards sustainable marine resource management and offers a range of services in over 60 countries
In order to sustainably manage our marine resources and ensure a future for the related economy and food industry, CLS provides solutions to public and private stakeholders working in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
We provide a complete range of satellite location and data collection transponders, e-logbooks for catch reporting, electronic monitoring systems, software packages and fully-equipped fisheries monitoring centers.
Detect illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing based on the analysis of radar and optical imagery together with the use of UAVs, software, analyses, satellite data receiving stations and monitoring, control, and surveillance centers (MCS) to combat illegal fishing.
Dynamic models, forecasts and hindcasts of the marine ecosystem, taking into account the ocean’s physical conditions, fishing efforts, pollution, and global warming. provide recommendations for scientists, and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs).
Devices and software for industrial and small-scale fishing vessels, advanced analytics platforms for monitoring fishing zones and EEZs, SOS alerts, maps identifying favorable fishing zones, weather forecasts, and storm warnings.